
7 New Online Shopping Trends and Behaviours

Online shopping has been up and on the rise. The ability to browse all the possible sizes, colours, variations, and prices of a singular item without the hassle of waiting in line for the changing room or digging through clothing racks to find the right piece is simply unmatched. There is no longer a need for long wait times, sore feet after a walk through the mall, and assuming a store does not have the item you need when somebody just threw it on the ground before you. Those days are (somewhat) gone.

In the e-commerce industry, companies and individuals selling their products through the internet change rapidly daily. Now more than ever, businesses are upgrading their online businesses to meet consumer demand and provide what the people want! This can be due to improved internet connectivity, online deals, and user-friendly interfaces.

While it may seem like everything in the e-commerce world is improving and upgrading, there are undoubtedly new trends that take the cake. We have compiled a list of the newest online shopping trends for you to discover, so keep reading to find out more.

Trend #1: Customization and personalization

Customization is one of the hottest trends in e-commerce today. This extends far beyond a business simply sending a thank you card or emails addressing their first name. Personalization entails looking at your consumer’s shopping trends and tailoring their entire shopping experience based on their habits.

For example, creating a package deal for the items, they have been browsing recently, offering interactive content, and providing goods and services that can be customized (engraved with their name, painted with a photo of their choosing, etc.).

Trend #2: Mobile shopping

Nowadays, the internet is not only on the computer. Many of the time consumers spend on the internet is on their mobile devices: phones, tablets, etc. As such, it is advisable to have a mobile-friendly site as that can boost your sales. Think beyond upgrading the user interface of your website. Consider implementing a shopping application for your business or incorporating mobile shopping tools for consumers.

Trend #3: Live shopping

We know that impulsive buying is tried and true: in brick-and-mortar stores, businesses place racks among racks of cheap items that do not require much consideration near the checkout, so while they are waiting in line, consumers can simply pick one up if it catches their eye. Live shopping taps into this instinct. Live shopping is where you purchase a product during a live stream.

Typically, live streams are hosted by online personalities or celebrities, allowing consumers to interact and shop with their favourite hosts. Shoppers buy products in a live shopping app instead of deliberating over them for a few days. Its experience is highly engaging. Since the promotions are only valid during the duration of the live stream, they are forced to make slightly impulsive decisions.

Trend #4: Augmented reality

Augmented reality (AR) is a type of technology that allows you to create an interactive experience that simulates the real world despite being online. AR has changed the premise of online shopping by allowing consumers to see and experience the item they are shopping for before purchasing.

They manifest differently in various industries (fashion, for example, you can try it on a virtual model, while in the housing market, you can do a 3D “walk through” tour of the home). Consumers have begun gravitating toward companies with AR as they feel more secure in their buying decision before the big purchase.

Trend #5: Chatbots

This is one I am sure you are familiar with: chatbots! These little creatures on the side of your screen interact with shoppers while they browse online in a way that stimulates an in-person sales associate. If a shopper has a question about where to find a product, sizing, details, shipping, etc., the chatbot has all the answers!

Trend #6: Integration of video

It has been found that consumers enjoy interacting with videos when shopping. This can come in various forms: an example video of how a product works, displaying its functionality and practicality, a video of a famous athlete endorsing a piece of athletic wear, or a video tour of a house on the market. Videos are an amazing way to grab customers’ attention and engage them while informing them about your product!

Trend #7: Sustainability

Consumers are increasingly aware of corporations’ environmental footprint, and thus, they are aware of how their purchases contribute. As such, they encourage brands to become more sustainable and increase their eco-friendly measures: recycled plastics and packaging, donations towards sustainability causes, and supporting eco-friendly operations.

By using more sustainable measures such as clean energy or increasing the number of sustainable ingredients you use, you are sure to attract more customers while helping out the earth!

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