
The Four Reasons You Should Absolutely Have a Fire Blanket

Fire is the last thing in the world anyone hopes to deal with. While some other issues like water damage are at least somewhat manageable, there is no telling how bad a fire can get in a very short period of time. This brings about the need for a fire extinguisher, fire blanket, and other fire safety equipment.

If you don’t have one on premises, fire blankets can become hugely helpful in fighting fire connotes and even avoiding burns. Here are a few more reasons you should have one on site.

1. Effective Against Any Type of Fire

What most people don’t realize is that not all fire is the same. There are different types of fire that can be more dangerous than others when it comes to their ability to spread. So being as prepared as possible is of the utmost importance.

Having a fire retardant blanket can help to smother any kind of fire. There are Class A, B, C, D, and F/K fires but a blanket that is fire retardant can handle all of them safely.

2. Anyone Can Use It

Fire extinguishers are practical, but they require training in order to be effectively used. Moreover, they can expire, rendering them practically useless if they have not been recharged or checked in quite some time.

But a fire blanket will always be there when you need it. Best of all, anyone, no matter their physical strength or competence, can use a fire retardant blanket. It is the perfect tool to combat fire on short notice, no matter how big or small someone may be physically.

3. No Maintenance

Remember that fire extinguishers need to be maintained in order for them to retain their effectiveness. If they are allowed to expire, you may have a brownish liquid coming out of the nozzle instead of the fire smothering foam we expect to see.

Having a fire retardant blanket means simply having one on site and never having to think about it again. Just pull it out whenever it is needed and that is all the thinking about it that is required. No certifications, no inspections, no recharges; just have the fire-combatting tool that you need when it matters most. There have been far too many instances where an expired extinguisher was the only available tool.

4. Putting Out Body Fires

In the unfortunate event that someone catches fire, it can be all too easy to panic. More importantly, some other methods of putting the fire out may potentially cause more harm to the person in question, making the situation infinitely worse.

But a fire blanket can be used on anyone, at any time, for any type of fire. A quick response with a fire retardant blanket can mean the difference between putting the fire out on time and someone suffering from severe burns. Having a blanket on hand at all times can literally save someone’s life in the right situation.

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