
9 Things to Do Before Moving Into a New Apartment

You have to think about a lot of things when you’re planning a move. You don’t need to be told to pack your belongings and decide whether you want to hire professional movers (you have to do it in advance!) or ask your friends and family to help you move.

But what else should you keep at the top of your mind? Here are nine important things to do before moving into a new apartment.

1. Review your lease before signing it

You should always review your lease carefully before signing it. If you don’t, you might not get everything you are paying for without being aware.

Be sure you know what is included in the apartment and what isn’t. Learn the rules, as well as your rights as a tenant. Check who will be responsible for repairs.

You should also note how you can contact your landlord and who you can call if your apartment needs some maintenance.

2. Make sure everything is working

Making sure everything works is something you should do when you visit a potential new apartment for the first time.

As the manager or landlord walks you through the apartment, don’t hesitate to turn all the lights on. Turn on the water and check if the water pressure seems good. Open all the doors and cupboards you see. Make sure there are functional smoke alarms. Verify if your apartment door closes tightly.

Later, as you move into the apartment, remember to take pictures of everything. This will help you prove anything that seems wrong was already this way when you moved in, which will help you get your security deposit back whenever you move out.

3. Contact your current and new landlord

If you haven’t done so, you will need to contact your current landlord to let them know you are moving out and will not renew your lease. Ask them when and how you can return your keys.

You must also let your new landlord know when you will move in. Ask them how you can receive your keys, where you can park the moving truck on moving day, and how you can pay your rent.

4. Consider a storage container

If you need some place to store some of your belongings, take care of this in advance. Storage container rentals can help you keep your peace of mind during your move, as you won’t have to worry about the safety of your belongings.

Plus, portable storage containers are convenient and can even replace a moving truck, depending on your needs.

5. Get to know your new neighbourhood

It’s always a good idea to get to know your new neighbourhood before moving into your new apartment. Take some time to get acquainted with the grocery stores, the stores, the restaurants, and the other interesting places near your new home.

While you’re at it, you could also get to know your new neighbours. Ask them if they like living in this apartment complex and if they have any good restaurants to recommend to you. It’s always good to know who lives next to you.

6. Do some cleaning

You should take some time to clean your old apartment before leaving it. You will likely get your full security deposit back if you leave everything sparkling clean before moving out.

Your new apartment will probably be clean when you move in, but you should still consider cleaning it in case it’s not exactly as neat as you would want it to be.

7. Schedule service appointments for your utilities

If you don’t want to move into an apartment with no electricity, internet, or cable, you will have to schedule service appointments to get your utilities set up.

Unless your lease specifies that this is your landlord’s responsibility, of course.

8. Change your address

Another important thing you need to do is change your address. Your friends and family need your new address, and so does the government, your financial institution, your boss, your doctor, your dentist, your insurance company, and the providers of any services you are subscribed to.

9. Get renters insurance

Do you already have renters insurance? If you don’t, you should consider subscribing to it. The landlord of your new apartment might have mentioned in your lease that renters insurance was necessary.

Look for an insurance provider to ensure your new apartment for a low monthly cost. This will protect your apartment and belongings from fire, water damage, or theft. If you already have renters insurance, switch your plan to your new home.

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